Sunday, April 19, 2015

And I am Starting to Build an Ark!!!

The rain just doesn't seem to stop here in Charlotte for more than enough time to run outside, turn on the lawn mower, muck it up with wet grass, turn it off, and come back inside. So, a lot of inside work is getting done.

I have decided that I need a SERGER as I have a project in my mind only that really does need a SERGER. I spent form 5 - 7:30 this morning looking at all of the options and they seem to run from $160 on line, to $5500. Quite a darn difference. I think I will go out to a few shops tomorrow and try them out before making a big mistake. Or a small one - whatever!

This canvas was finished a week ago for a gal to stitch for her son. Pretty cool but lots of stitch counting and painting for me. I have just finished a couple of other large projects and will post these soon. Need to photograph them before sending them out.

Here is the UK canvas.

Back to building that ark I was mentioning...........

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